Elevator system code in C++
First create a c header file called elev.h looking like this
#include "elev_app.h"
#include "msoftcon.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
using namespace std;
enum direction { UP,DOWN, STOP };
//loading/unloading time (ticks)
const int LOAD_TIME = 3;
const int SPACING = 7;
const int BUF_LENGTH = 80;
class building; //forward declaration
class elevator
building* ptrBuilding;
const int car_number;
int current_floor;
int old_floor;
direction current_dir;
bool destination[NUM_FLOORS];
int loading_timer;
int unloading_timer;
void car_tick1();
void car_tick2();
void car_display();
void dests_display() const;
void decide();
void move();
void get_destinations();
int get_floor() const;
direction get_direction() const;
class building
elevator* car_list[NUM_CARS];
int num_cars; //cars created so far
bool floor_request[2][NUM_FLOORS]; //False=UP True=Down
void master_tick(); //send tick to all cars
int get_cars_floor(const int) const;
direction get_cars_dir(const int) const;
bool get_floor_req(const int,const int);
void set_floor_req(const int,const int,const bool);
void record_floor_reqs(); //get floor request
void show_floor_reqs() const; //show fllor request
After you have created the elev.h now create elev.cpp the main executable file.#include "elev.h" building::building() { //string for floors char ustring[BUF_LENGTH]; //intialize graphics init_graphics(); //clear screen clear_screen(); num_cars = 0; for(int k=0; k<NUM_CARS; k++) { car_list[k] = new elevator(this, num_cars); num_cars++; } for(int j=0;mj<NUM_FLOORS; j++) { set_cursor_pos(3,NUM_FLOORS-j); //put floor number itoa(j+1, ustring, 10); cout << setw(3) << ustring; floor_request[UP][j] = false; //no floor request yet floor_request[DOWN][j] = false; } } //end constructor //start destructor building::-building() { for(int k=0; k<NUM_CARS; k++) delete car_list[k]; } //master time tick void building::master_tick() { int j; show_floor_reqs(); for(j=0; j<NUM_CARS; j++) car_list[j]->car_tick1(); for(j=0; j<NUM_CARS; j++) car_list[j]->car_tick2(); } //display floor request void building::show_floor_reqs() const { for(int j=0; j<NUM_FLOORS; j++) { set_cursor_pos(SPACING, NUM_FLOORS-j); if(floor_request[UP][j]==true) cout << "\x1E"; //up arrow else cout << " "; set_cursor_pos(SPACING+3, NUM_FLOORS-j); if(floor_request[DOWN][j]==true) cout << "\1xF"; else cout << " "; } } //get requets from riders outside the cars void building::record_floor_reqs() { char ch = "x"; char ustring[BUF_LENGTH]; int iFloor; char chDirection; //'u' or 'd' for up and down set_cursor_pos(1,22); cout << "Press [ENTER] to call an elevator:"; if(!kbhit()) // wait for keypress return; cin.ignore(10, "\n"); if(ch=="\x1B") //if escape key end the program exit(0); set_cursor_pos(1,22); clear_line(); //clear old text set_cursor_pos(1,22); //bottom of screen cout << "Enter the floor you're on:"; cin.get(ustring,BUF_LENGTH); cin.ignore(10, "\n"); iFloor = atoi(ustring); //convert to integer cout << "Ente the direction you want to go"(U or D):"; cin.get(chDirection); //(avoid multiple lines feeds) cin.ignore(10,"\n"); if(chDirection=='u' || chDirection=='U') floor_request[UP][iFloor-1] = true; //up floor request if(cgDirection=='d' || chDirection=='D') floor_request[DOWN][iFloor-1]=true; //down floor request set_cursor_pos(1,22); set_cursor_pos(1,23); set_cursor_pos(1,24); } //see if there is a specific request bool building::get_floor_req(const int dir,const int floor) const //check error on compiling here { return floor_request[dir][floor]; } //set specific floor request bool building::set_floor_req(const int dir, const int floor, const bool updown) { floor_request[dir][floor]=updown; } //--------------------------------------------- find where the carrier is in this case car int building::get_cars_floor(const int carNo)const { return car_list[carNo]->get_floor(); } //find which direction the car is moving direction building::get_cars_dir(const int carNo) const { return car_list[carNo]->get_direction(); } // function definitions for class elevator begins here elevator::elevator(building* ptrB. int nc) : ptrBuilding(ptrB),car_number(nc) { current_floor = 0; //start at 0 old_floor = 0; current_dir = STOP; for(int j=0; j<NUM_FLOOR; j++) destination[j] = false; loading_timer = 0; //no loading yet unloading_timer = 0; } //end constructor //get current floor int elevator::get_floor() const { return current_floor; } //get current direction direction elevator::get_direction() const { return current_dir; } //tick for each car void elevator::car_tick1() { car_display(); dests_display(); if(loading_timer) __loading_timer; if(unloading_timer) __unloading_timer; decide(); } //All cars must decide before any of them move void elevator::car_tick2() { move(); } //display elevator image void elevator::car_display() { set_cursor_pos(SPACING+(car_number+)*SPACING, NUM_FLOORS-old_floor); cout << " "; //erase old position set_cursor_pos(SPACING-1(car_number+)*SPACING, NUM_FLOORS-current_floor); switch(loading_timer) { case 3: cout << "\x01\xDB \xDB "; //draw a car with open door break; case 2: cout << " \xDB \x01\xDB"; get_destinations(); break; case 1: cout << "\xDB\xDB\xDB "; //draw a car with closed door break; case 0; cout << "\xDB\xDB\xDB"; //closed door break; } set_cursor_pos(SPACING+(car_number+1)*SPACING,NUM_FLOORS-current_floor); switch(unloading_timer) { case 3: cout << "\xDB\x01\xDB"; break; case 2: cout << "\xDB\xDB\x01"; break; case 1: cout << "\xDB\xDB\xDB"; break; case 0: cout << "\xDB\xDB\xDB"; break; } //display destinations void elevator::dests_display() const { for(int j=0; j<NUM_FLOORS; j++) { set_cursor_pos(SPACING-2+(car_number+1)*SPACING,NUM_FLOORS-j); if(destination[j] == true) cout << "\xFE'; //small box else cout << ""; } } //Decide what to do void elevator::decide() { int j; bool destins_above, destins_below; //destinations bool requests_above, requests_below; //requests int nearest_higher_req = 0; int nearest_lower_req = 0; bool car_between_up,car_between_dn; bool car_opposite_up, car_opposite_dn; int ofloor; direction odir; //Ensure we don't go too high or too low if((current_floor==NUM_FLOORS-1 && current_dir==UP) || (current_floor==0 && current_dir==DOWN) current_dir = STOP; // if there a destination on this floor ,unload pasengers if(destination[current_floor]==true) { destination[current_floor] = false; if(!unloading_timer) unloading_timer = LOAD_TIME; return; } //check if there is an UP floor request on this floor if((ptrBuilding->get_floor_req(UP, current_floor) && current_dir !=DOWN)) { current_dir = UP; ptrBuilding->set_floor_req(current_dir,current_floor,false); //load if(!loading_timer) loading_time = LOAD_TIME; return; } //check if there is an DOWN floor request on this floor if((ptrBuilding->get_floor_req(DOWN, current_floor) && current_dir !=UP)) { current_dir = DOWN; ptrBuilding->set_floor_req(current_dir,current_floor,false); //load if(!loading_timer) loading_time = LOAD_TIME; return; } //check if there are other destinations or requests destins_above = destins_below = false; requests_above = requests_below = false; for(j=current_floor+1; j<NUM_FLOORS; j++) { if(destination[j]) destins_above = true; if(ptrBuilding->get_floor_req(UP,j) || ptrBuilding->get_floor_req(DOWN,j)) { requests_above = true; if(!nearest_higher_req) nearest_higher_req - j; } } //check fllors below for(j=current_floor-1; j=>0; j--) { if(destination[j]) destins_below = true; if(ptrBuilding->get_floor_req(UP,j) || ptrBuilding->get_floor_req(DOWN,j) { requests_below = true; if(!nearest_lower_req) nearest_lower_req = j; } } //if no request or destinations DOWN or Up ,STOP the system if(!destins_above && !requests_above && !destins_below && !requests_below) { current_dir = STOP; return; } //Go toward destination if stopped or already moving if(destins_above && (current_dir==STOP || current_dir==UP)) { current_dir = UP; return; } if(destins_below && (current_dir==STOP || current_dir==DN)) { current_dir = DOWN; return; } //Find if there cars going in the same direction between us and the nearest floor car_between_up = car_between_down = false; car_opposite_up = car_opposite_DOWN = false; //check the car for(j=0; j<NUM_CARS; j++) { if(j !=car_number) { ofloor = ptrBuilding->get_car_floors(j); odir = ptrBuilding->get_cars_dir(j); //if it going up and there is arequest above us if((odir==UP || odir==STOP) && requests_above) // if it above us and thebelow the nearest request if((ofloor>current_floor && ofloor <= nearest higher req) || (ofloor==current_floor && j<car_number)) car_between_dn = true; //if it going and there is a request above us if((odir==UP || odir==STOP) && requests_below) //it a below request and closer to it than we are if(nearest_lower_req>=ofloor && nearest_low_req - ofloor<current_floor - nearest_lower_req) car_opposite_up = true; //if it going DOWN and there is arequest above us if((odir==DOWN || odir==STOP) && requests_above) // if it above us and thebelow the nearest request if(ofloor >=nearest_higher_req && ofloor - nearest_higher_req<nearest_higher_req - current_floor) car_opposite_down = true; } } //if we are going down or stopped and there is a FR //No other cars going down between us and the FR if(current_dir==DOWN || current_dir==STOP) && requests_below && !car_between_down && !car_opposite_up) { current_dir = DOWN; return; } //if nothing else happening stop current_dir = STOP; } //....end decide() finally artificiall intelligence //if loading or unloading void elevator::move() { if(loading_timer || unloading_timer) //don't move return; if(current_dir==UP) //if it going up,go up current_floor++; } //end move //stop ,get destination void elevator::get_destinations() { char ustring[BUF_LENGTH]; int dest_floor' set_cursor_pos(1,22); clear_line(); set_cursor_pos(1,22) cout << "Car" << (car_number+1) << "has stopped at floor" << (current_floor+1) << "\n Enter the destination floors (0 when finished)"; for(int j=1; j<NUM_FLOORS; j++) { set_cursor_pos(1,24); cout << "Destination" << j << ":"; cin.get(ustring,BUF_LENGTH); cin.ignore(10,"\n"); dest_floor = atoi(ustring); set_cursor_pos(1,24); if(dest_floor==0) { set_cursor_pos(1,22); clear_line(); set_cursor_pos(1,23); clear_line(); set_cursor_pos(1,24); clear_line(); return; } --dest_floor; if(dest_floor==current_floor) { --j; continue; } if(j==1 && current_dir==STOP) current dir = (dest floor <current floor) ? DOWN : UP; destination[dest_floor] = true; dests_display(); } } //This the end of the codeGet everything about programming here