This is one of the most important seaway in America shared by USA and Canada.The seaway is located along the boundary of the two countries.It stretches over 3680km from Antlantic ocean to the interior of north America up to Lake Superior.It is comprised of the s.t Lawrence river and the great Lake Superior which are:
S.T Lawrence sea way
Except lake Michigan which lies entirely in USA the other three lakes occur at the border of USA and Canada.These lakes are joined together by the s.t Lawrence river.
The project s.t Lawrence seaway began1954 and took 5 years to complete.
Why was the seaway created?
Having known some little history behind the construction of this seaway ,i think it time we know what were the missions for it construction.Below are the missions that led to the constuction of this seaway.
To generate Hydro-electric power and regulate the flow of the river.
To construct canals,by-passes sections with rapids and waterfalls along the s.t Lawrence river.
To make s.t Lawrence more navigable by removing rocks ,rapids and highlands in the river channel.
To establish canals along the river channel.
Vandalization of communication facilities such as telephones and their cable which hinder communiation.